DPDP Act 2023 and the Issue of Parental Consent || UPSC Daily Current Affairs


DPDP Act 2023 and the Issue of Parental Consent
DPDP Act 2023 and the Issue of Parental Consent

Why in News?

The Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Act 2023 has introduced new regulations concerning the collection and processing of personal data, including specific provisions for obtaining parental consent for minors. This has sparked discussions about the practical implications and challenges associated with implementing these provisions.

What is the DPDP Act 2023?

The DPDP Act 2023 is a landmark legislation aimed at protecting personal data and ensuring privacy in the digital era. It establishes a comprehensive framework for data protection, including rights for individuals and obligations for data handlers.

Key Features of the DPDP Act 2023

  • Data Protection Principles:

    • Purpose Limitation: Data must be collected for specific, lawful purposes and not used beyond those purposes.
    • Data Minimization: Only necessary data should be collected.
    • Accuracy: Data should be accurate and kept up-to-date.
    • Storage Limitation: Data should not be retained longer than needed.
  • Rights of Data Principals:

    • Right to Access: Individuals can access their personal data.
    • Right to Correction: Individuals can request corrections to their data.
    • Right to Erasure: Individuals can request the deletion of their data under certain conditions.
    • Right to Data Portability: Individuals can transfer their data to another provider.
  • Obligations of Data Fiduciaries:

    • Transparency: Clear information about data processing practices must be provided.
    • Security: Adequate measures to protect data must be implemented.
    • Accountability: Compliance with the Act must be demonstrated.
  • Data Protection Board of India: A regulatory authority to oversee the Act’s implementation and address grievances.

  • Cross-border Data Transfers: Guidelines for transferring personal data outside India ensure data protection.

Issue of Parental Consent

Definition and Importance:

  • Parental consent is required for processing the personal data of minors (under 18 years).
  • Ensures minors' privacy and safeguards their interests in the digital environment.

Provisions in the DPDP Act 2023:

  • Consent for Minors: Parental or guardian consent is mandatory for processing minors' data.
  • Age Verification: Mechanisms to verify the age of users and obtain appropriate consent.
  • Enhanced Protections: Specific safeguards for minors' data recognizing their vulnerability.

Challenges and Concerns:

  • Implementation Complexity: Effective age verification and parental consent mechanisms can be technically challenging and costly.
  • Parental Awareness and Digital Literacy: Parents may lack the necessary understanding to make informed consent decisions.
  • Impact on Services: Stricter consent requirements may limit minors' access to beneficial online services.
  • Privacy vs. Innovation: Balancing privacy protections with fostering innovation and service accessibility.

Way Forward:

  • Education and Awareness: Enhance digital literacy programs for parents.
  • Technological Solutions: Develop efficient and secure age verification technologies.
  • Policy Adjustments: Periodically review and update the Act to address emerging challenges.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Involve parents, educators, tech companies, and policymakers in creating balanced data protection frameworks.


The DPDP Act 2023 introduces critical protections for personal data, including provisions for obtaining parental consent for minors. While these provisions are essential for safeguarding minors' privacy, they present several implementation challenges. Addressing these requires collaboration among stakeholders to ensure the Act protects minors effectively while fostering a safe and supportive digital environment.

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